Aurelio and Araceli Villatoro are really special coffee producers. In the remote western highlands of Huehuetenango, in a small high valley called Hoja Blanca, they manage a multigenerational family enterprise of small coffee farms. From the early 2000s, the Villatoro family has regularly won awards in national and international competitions for their spectacular coffees, including third place in the COE just last year. And there's good reason for it: The entire family, from Aurelio's father-in-law Petronilo Martinez to his three children and their cousins, are single-minded in their pursuit of the absolute best coffees of Guatemala.
We could tell countless stories about our 15 years partnering with Aurelio and family, but we'll just let you watch the video. Maybe someday you can share a meal with us at Finca La Esperanza. Either way, we have the decades of hard-earned expertise in Guatemala to help differentiate your offerings and support your roasting operation. Ask us about samples, or check out availability of Villatoro lots and find our full list of offerings here.
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From the 5/6/21 Onyx newsletter: Aurelio Villatoro - Finca La Esperanza
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Onyx Coffee
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